Thursday, February 5, 2009

Who wants an endoscopy? ME! ME! ME!

What am I, like 70? So, I made an appointment with the GI doc after 3 weeks of nausea and late day fatigue that I just couldn't lick. His plan? Run a series of blood tests (results pending) ranging from thyroid studies to an ANA. Also, this coming Monday morning I will have an ultrasound of my insides and then have a lighted tube stuck down my throat. Yeah! Could be worse...a tube up my other end. Anyway, hopefully this will get to the bottom (er, top) of things. We'll stay away from the bottom for now!

The training has been going very well (the nausea and fatigue have been coming on slowly following lunch each day) and...HEY! THAT'S IT! NOT ONLY IS THE CAFETERIA FOOD NOT GOOD IT'S MAKING ME SICK!!'s just so bad. So, the training, thanks to the onset of my daily symptoms is rolling right along. Sleep is good, appetite is good, mental is good.

Guess who else is good? KR! and she is sporting some new headgear (same old beanie for me)!

"Seriously, get this thing OFF of my head!!"

KR was terrified of this ball pit the first time she entered it.

Now? Not so much.

"Ya did good Mimi. Me likey ball pit."