Not much going on here except for trying to beat the heat. I love the mild winters in the deep south but these SWELTERING summers are the pits.
The pits? What does that even mean? Like arm pits? Cause that would be bad...but probably a derivative of 'the pit' i.e. hell. Seems like Milton may have used that?? Do I even give a hoot?!?
I digress (as those who know me well would say is a bit habitual on my part)...HOT! Yes. It is hot in MS these days. I try to get my riding in before the heat of mid-day when possible for a number of reasons: 1) the heat 2) to have the day with the fam and 3) the heat.
Sunday morning dawned a'steamin' and Mrs. Lolly had plans to meet some of her girlfriends for church and lunch. No problem...KR and I had some catching up to do anyway. After watching Ocean's 13 and napping for a bit we played KR's favorite game...coo and smile at the rotating bag of jelly beans. KR doesn't understand why I am so entertained by this but I am OK (wink).
Soon enough Lolly made it back (with a Turkey sandwich for the sitter - yum!) and took over the parenting duties so the other kid could go get his ride on. As it was, I had gotten hooked on the latest episode of MegaDisasters which was explaining the theory of the hypercane that may or may not be responsible for the
KT extinction - fascinating. I will do some personal exploring into that on my own.
After my education, I met up with B-Rad to turn a few laps at Butt's Park here in J-Town. Of interest, the area where Butt's Park is located was used as a prison camp for German POWs during WWII and later as a small scale model of the Mississippi River Basin for the Army COE to conduct flood tests of some sort. Of course, it's now used as the playground for the terminally young and irresponsible MTB set! YAAA!!
We decided to turn 3 laps = 18 miles, and planned to turn about 12 of that at 'effort'. Well, the best laid plans of mice and men...yada yada. I cracked like an egg about 3 miles into the effort phase of the day's training. It happens sometimes and usually unexpectedly. What was to blame? Most likely a combination of the aforementioned heat and turkey sammich. The heat was just brutal and the body tends to not like 'new' foods before exercise...I usually don't eat turkey sandwiches for 'brek'. I managed to make it through the day but was spent for the remainder.
Lolly was nice enough to go pick us up some din-din from Newk's...that hit the spot and the fam hung out and watched some tube. Nice little Sunday.
No new pics of KR at the moment but here's one after a 12-hour race that illustrates how I felt yesterday. BONKY McSHAKY!