Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Brutal interval sessions at 5:30AM are my least favorite part of being a father but there is no other time to do it. The system is just not built for that type of early morning overload: 20min warm up with 90sec @ 70%, 90sec @ 80% and 90sec @ 90% - then 6x1min with 1min recovery done @ ~ 65% on the first and up to 95% on the last - then 10x20sec with 10sec rest max effort Tabata protocol intervals. The article will say that 6-8 tabata intervals are the most that should be done but, yeah, I'm hardcore like that. After that workout I would normally do a little 15-20min yoga session but with my knee still a bit iffy I called it a day after a 10min high cadence cool down to flush the lactic acid from my legs.

I have to say that I am feeling much better now than I did at this time last year. Nice!

Last night was pretty routine for the McWeSSons: cook (chili), eat, play with KR, watch some TV (Dora, House, The Batchelor - equal opportunity TV for all in our crib), and hit the sackola.

KR has her 9 month checkup today. We expect no surprises.

Tonight I'm thinking Portabello & Gouda burgers with some fresh green beans and a salad. Guess who's hungry?!

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